This Is Woodhaven Calling . . .

John Asaro was a ham radio operator (call sign W2BJM) who lived in Woodhaven, New York and recorded his own amateur radio show, a handful of which survive on vinyl discs, which we have carefully digitized. 

This first piece was recorded at Christmas in 1958, in Woodhaven -- please note that he doesn't speak much about Woodhaven, these are familiy recordings -- but this is a voice from Woodhaven, almost 50 years ago. 

He recorded a series of shows called "The Tiny & John Show" - basically it's a collection of music and comedy skits (it appears he was a fan of Bob & Ray).

John Asaro was a serious radio enthusiast, as these pictures will attest -- here is the tower that he erected in his backyard in Woodhaven, which stood from the Mid 1950s, until 1978.


Side Note:  That tree in the background stood for over 80 years -- and was a gigantic, dominating presence to all of the backyards in the vicinity.  It was taken down in the Summer of 2005. 

Here is John Asaro's radio set-up --

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