UPDATE:  Press Conference / Rally at Mike Miller's Office at Woodhaven Blvd. & Park Lane South Tuesday at 10:30 AM -- Show Up to Show That You Care! 

The MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) has approved their budget for the year 2010, and Woodhaven is taking a beating. Among the cost-cutting measures the MTA is proposing is the elimination of the Z Train and the Q56 Bus. These cuts are expected to go into effect in July 2010.

Assemblyman Mike Miller (38 Dist.) is putting together a press conference to bring attention to the hardships both of these cuts will have on our community. It is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 22nd. Check back to Project Woodhaven for details. "We're not going to take it," Miller said in an inerview with PW this weekend. "We're not going to go quietly."

"I understand that they (MTA) needs to make cuts. If you don't have the money, you need to make cuts but it doesn't have to be on the backs of the people in Woodhaven, especially the elderly." Mr. Miller expressed concern over how the elderly are going to access transportation should these cuts be finalized. "There are people that already have trouble getting on a bus. How are they going to walk up two long flights of stairs to get on the train?"

The Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation and the Woodhaven Business Improvement District released a statement saying that the last time these cuts were proposed "we fought it and Woodhaven won. We again have the support of the Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association, Elected Officials, U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner, N.Y.S. Senator Joseph P. Addabbo Jr., N.Y.S. Assemblyman Michael G. Miller, N.Y.C. Councilman Erich Ulrich, N.Y.C. Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley and Queens Borough President Helen M. Marshall. Together we will fight this MTA proposal and again with your help Woodhaven, we will win!"

Here is Woodhaven's Assemblyman, Mike Miller, speaking about these proposed cuts on Friday's edition of Project Woodhaven On The Air:

Project Woodhaven On The Air is on Friday Nights at 10 PM EST.  We will not be on the air the next two Friday Nights, but will return to LIVE Broadcasts on Friday, January 8th.  If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at or

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