The NY1 Ambulance Corps Interview 

A few weeks ago, NY1 News came to Woodhaven to interview the Woodhaven Richmond Hill Volunteer Ambulance Corps in advance of their Pasta Dinner Fundraiser (which we covered here).  The reporter filing the story for NY1 was Ron Lee, here he is with Kathy Sexton Dalbey (CEO of the Ambulance Corps) and myself.

Here is the report as it appeared on NY1:

In order to file that 90-second report, the reporter spoke with Kathy Sexton Dalbey for about 15 minutes.  Which meant that a lot of good material didn't get used.  Kathy did a great job.  Project Woodhaven was on hand and recorded the entire interview -- which we now bring to you.

And here is part two:   

Afterwards, Mr. Lee walked about and took some extra video --  

Thanks to NY1's Ron Lee for coming out to Woodhaven and giving the Ambulance Corps some good publicity!

On a lighter note -- I had been asked to go down there to say a few words.  I loved being interviewed -- perhaps too much!  By the time the report aired, I was on the cutting room floor -- reduced to two very small cameos.  I mean, really small -- blink and you'd miss me.  But my wife, who was there to film the proceedings, ended up on camera.  And she gets real emotional when she gets nervous and it seems like she's about to cry and, well, she stole my air time!  Seriously, though, she did great -- and as payback for getting cut, I get to tease her about it :-)  

If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at or

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